Your own web site built and designed from €390

Welcome to my Web site!

To arrive here you have either followed a link from another web site or you have entered firkins / firkinwebs in a search engine. As you can now see by adding a line to you own advert you can expand the information your clients have access to from your advert. Now once you have, seen the advantages of a web site you can start publishing it, my advice to add you web address to all your stationary Business cards, letter headings, envelopes, and invoices in fact anything that your company uses. One of the first items added were to my vehicles, for around £1 a sticker.

Depending on how your stationary looks and how much you have of it, an easy way to add your web address is to enter the in the header or footer of the page. The more places you can put it the more potential customers will see it, to coin a phrase "if you got it flaunt it". 

It does not matter what type of business you run to get people to use you is all about telling them what you have to offer them, form a paper shop or restaurant to an Undertakers. It is an easy way of showing and telling potential customers what you are cable of supplying or doing.

The basic way a web site works is for potential customers to look at your web page, and they find this from your business stationary, adverts, yellow pages or if you really want via a "search engine". The first 3 give local contacts if that is what you need the search engine gives a far wider audience.

When you see information you interpret it in several ways dependant on you mood especially if it is a written presentation. Give your potential customers an exciting or detailed picture not only will you set the mood you will also hit them with hopefully what they want to see. Build up a portfolio of photographs of before and after shots. 

Visual Information, 

From drawings done on AutoCAD to sketches scanned into a digital format they will help customers understand how the design was made into reality.

What you want

Decide what you would like to see on your web site do a list of all the things of why a prospective customer should pick you in front of anyone else.

Copyright © 2024 Andy Firkins Maintenance Services

Last modified: 17/05/2024

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